Forming a Nevada LLC

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Forming a Nevada LLC

What exactly is an LLC and how long does it take to file?

First things first.  The term Nevada LLC actually stands for a Limited Liability Corporation.  Once you have taken the big step of starting your own business, now it's time to get down to the meat and potatoes of setting up how your business should appear to the IRS and which legal format it will operate under.  A Nevada LLC is by far the most popular of all of the other types of corporations you can set up.  Forming an LLC in Nevada is most attractive due to the fact that they shield business owners from being personally liable for business debts.  A Nevada LLC is actually a business structure which compiles of a flexible organization, available to tax efficiencies and will provide limited liability to all of its members.  The IRS views a Nevada LLC as a pass-through entity because the profits and losses are all put through the owners' tax returns.

Forming an LLC in Nevada can take some time so be prepared and plan on filing an Expedited Processing status with the State of Nevada.  All-time factors that determine how long a Nevada LLC will take totally depends on the Nevada Secretary of State's office and their current workload.  Most Nevada LLC documents will take anywhere from 4-6 weeks.  If your business needs the process done faster you will need to file in the Expedited Processing status.  In the Expedited Process status, all Nevada LLC documents will be overnight expressed as well as electronically filed to the State of Nevada.  Once the Nevada LLC has been formed, the documents will be returned to you via expressed mail as well.

What are the reasons to file a Nevada LLC pertaining to my business?

One of the biggest benefits or reasons in forming an LLC is that it takes the personal liability responsibilities away from all of its members.  Although you may lose your entire investment in the business, members personal assets such as a personal bank account and your home you own cannot be used in any debt collection process.  Forming an LLC in Nevada allows the business to be legally separate from its owners.  Everything in the Nevada LLC is responsible for the business debts and expenses and not the members.

Another huge reason that it is beneficial in forming an LLC in the State of Nevada is the many factors the State provides to LLC's.  Here are just a few benefits:

  • Ease of registration for Nevada LLC
  • Relatively much lower corporate taxes
  • No Nevada State, corporate or franchise taxes
  • State of Nevada privacy policy for all Nevada corporations
  • The state of Nevada is a business-friendly State

As you will see, filing a Nevada LLC is quite beneficial in comparison to the other 49 states that you have to choose from.

What are the steps in forming an LLC in Nevada?  Where do I start?

Forming an LLC in Nevada is actually one of the easiest State's to do so because as a Nevada Registered Agent, we can do all the paperwork and filing on your behalf.  All of the parties to the LLC will have to register with the Nevada Secretary of State and file the necessary documents.  They will also have to pay the required fees and meet all of the naming and formation obligations.  This process can be done with the help of a Nevada Discount Registered Agent much easier than trying to take the process on your own or even hiring a high priced agency.  Other than the form filing process, there are five other items that must be completed in forming an LLC.  They are as follows:

Registration - This includes filing the Articles of Organization form with the Secretary of State of Nevada.  The registration will also need to include the Nevada LLC name and address, the name and address of the resident agent, employer identification number, all pertinent state licenses and business permits and the name and address of all the members.  If you are filing your Nevada LLC by mail you will want to include the filing fee as well.  You can also start forming an LLC in Nevada online at the Nevada Secretary of State website and you will find all of the information necessary there.

How do I determine the best way of choosing a name for my Nevada LLC?

Naming a Nevada LLC is always important and you should always take into consideration the opinions of all LLC members.  Obviously, it depends on what the nature of the business is but there are other factors to take in to play when choosing a Nevada LLC business name.  Make sure and check with your local banking if you are forming an LLC in Nevada but residing in another State.  There may be banking restrictions in your state that will require certain things in regards to the name of a business and the Nevada LLC.

What are some of the basic and recurring costs' in forming an LLC in Nevada?

For a Nevada LLC, the actual business license and the Initial List of Managers and Members Form should be filed with the Secretary of State after filing the Articles of Organization. The fees to be submitted with the forms are $75, $125 and $200, respectively. The fact is that filing fees are always changing and you should always check with the Nevada Secretary of State for the current fees.  You can always visit their website to get that information.

Do I need to live in the State to file a Nevada LLC?

Unlike so many other States in our great country, to file a Nevada LLC does not require you to be a resident of the State.  This is one huge reason that forming an LLC in Nevada is so popular.  The only requirements that you will have to do are register your Nevada LLC as a foreign LLC in the state where you reside.  That will mean that you will have to hire a local Nevada registered agent and pay their annual fees as per requested.  You will also need to pay your local state's fees in order to stay in compliance. And of course, we will assist you in forming your LLC in Nevada and then act as your registered agent.  See our page on registered agent services to find out more details.